Douglas TenNapel - recently completed work on Koghead and Meatus, an animated short that will hopefully be shown somewhere someday. He is currently working on a few television ideas as well as some sort of animation-type movie idea in his living room. Doug is also working as a game design consultant and chatacter creator.

Mike Dietz - is working on the PJ's television show at Will Vinton Studios in Oregon. He completed one episode last year, which has already aired. He was also the lead animator on Koghead and Meatus.

Mark Lorenzen - is now part of a new company called Monkeytropolis. He is not only the president, but an artist and programmer as well.

Tim Loreznzen - is enjoying the work at home lifestyle of a contract programmer. He worked on some web lottery games and stuff.

Ed Schofield - is currently on-site with Mike at the Will Vinton Studios working as an animator. Ed also served as animator/producer for Koghead and Meatus. Ed does some acting as well and received rave reviews for his part the feature film, What Planet Are You From.

Kenton Leech - has been hiding in a bunker somewhere in Utah ever since Y2K.

Steve Crow - is part of the crew at Monkeytropolis. He is the CFO and lead artist for the company.

Ellis Goodson - is also part of the Monkeytropolis team. He also makes independent web films that get panned by the critics, but just you wait and see�50 years from now they will still be panned by the critics. Some of them; however, are true masterpieces! You can visit him here.

Brian Belfield - is the Lead Programmer at Monkeytropolis and CEO as well.

Eric Ciccone - is an artist at IRC in Costa Mesa working on an extreme sports title for Activision just like the folks at Monkeytropolis.

The rest of us:

Vanessa worked at Insomniac for a while but has recently opted to start her own company. Joe Head Joe and Louis are Producers at Angel Studios. Dave is the Producer and web guy at Monkeytropolis. Chris Rausch is working on TV commercials and films.

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