Hello Neverhood Fans. We have not provided much info on this site for quite a long time, so I will attempt to catch you up as best I can with this heap of random news.
First of all, the Neverhood is defunct. The team split up in 99 after completion of the PlayStation game Boombots. Visit the Where Are They Now section to find out, you guessed it, where they are now.
There was, at one point, an attempt to reissue the original Neverhood game for the PC. This; however, did not come to pass. If you are looking for a copy, you can find them easily on Ebay, but expect to pay 60 bucks or so for it.
You can also, occasionally find a copy of Terry Taylor's Original Neverhood soundtrack on Ebay.
Better yet,you can buy a 2 CD collection of Terry's video game music, entitled "Imaginarium", exclusively through
Terry's website at DanielAmos.com. The 2 CD set sells for $20, and includes all of the Neverhood
soundtrack, all of the "Skullmonkeys" soundtrack and selections from "BoomBots". It's a lot cheaper than trying to find the
original soundtrack on ebay.
For those of you who never knew, the Neverhood and SkullMonkeys were released in Japan for the PlayStation along with all sorts of Klaymen merchandise. And no, I have no idea where you can find any of it.
Ed and Mike D. are up in Oregon at Will Vinton Studios filming an episode of the PJ's. Mike is directing, and Ed is bringing Mike coffee.
Doug, Ed and Mike have just completed Koghead and Meatus, an animated short. I will give you more info about viewing this masterpiece when I get it, or check the Koghead and Meatus site (another site that I rarely update) for more info.
Ellis, Mark, Steve and Brian recently got a deal with Activision to make a game. Check out Monkeytropolis.com for more info.
Hey look what I found...it's the original version of the SkullMonkeys site. It is not the final version, the one where you could send postcards and stuff, but it's still fun to look at. I left the pictures of the merchandise in the store, but NO YOU CAN'T BUY ANYTHING. It's all gone! I just left the site intact for all the old Neverhood fans. Enjoy.
This Is What You've Been Waiting For!!!!!! The first and possibly only public showing of the the original short!!!!
Koghead and Meatus
July 20th
at the San Diego Comicon
Doug, Mike and Ed will discuss all of the stuff that went into it, sign some autographs, give away some FREE stuff, then show the short!
Questions and Answers
Hello Dave,
I am from Bulgaria. I have the PC version of The Neverhood and I can't play
it, because I run Windows 2000 (it says it runs only on 95). I love the game
very much and I cant live w/o playing it. Is there any way to make it
playable over Windows NT /2000? Is there any patch or something? Do you plan
future updates or new versions of the game?
Very thanks
Uh. Nope. Many people have written to me, so I spoke with Tim Lorenzen(the programmer) about it and there is no such patch or planned patch that we know of. You would have to
contact Dreamworks about it.
very welcomes,
I really enjoyed your work on the Neverhood. But there is one problem. The
end was left open. What do you say about what happens next?
Dear Quark,
You pose an interesting question. When Monkeytropolis originally formed, a Neverhood sequel was in the works.
Unfortunately, the project never really got the funding and the backing that it needed to be completed in a way
that we would have liked. Essentially, it was another 3D adventure game along the lines of the original Neverhood for the PC.
I spoke with Mark Lorenzen about the story idea, and I will try and post some sort of summary of the events in the near future.
i'm stuck! i'm towards the end of the game & i'm in the cave with the 2nd
key. i got the key, but how do i get the disk that's below it? PLEASE
HELP!!! thanks!
Try on the hints page. I honestly haven't played the game in 5 years so I forget.
The Neverhood Hints Page
Hello Dave,
I've just finished playing The Neverhood and I loved it. Then I go to
neverhood.com and find out there was made a sequel to it;
Skullmonkeys. Was this game ever made for PC or was it just made for
Playstation? If so (that it was just made for Playstation), why didnt
you make a PC version? This is something that needs to be done (if it
hasn't already). And was boombots ever made for PC? And finally, is it
possible to purchase these games (the PC versions - I don't have
Playstation) from you or any of the other guys from the now defunct
Best regards,
Unfortunately, Skullmonkeys and Boombots were only made for the PlayStation.
No PC versions were ever planned or made.
Got a question? You can email me and I will post them here. Please do not ask for hints, I am old and I have forgotten everything I once knew. If you want to ask for hints, try the neverhood message board on the links page. [email protected]
� 1996-2001, The Neverhood, All Rights Reserved.