Mike Dietz is making many of the killer cut-scene movies in Boombots. Mike has been doing commercials for Will Vinton and will be directing an episode of Fox's P.J's this winter.
Most of the voices are being done in house uses the team-members. Steve Crow is playing Spitfire, the English airplane. Luis is doing the lead voice for Boomer, Aron Nir is playing a Japanese mantis named Hara Hara Bugbot, and Ellis Goodson is playing an Oaklahoma piece of weaponry called Moby Tank.

Jan. 1998 Doug TenNapel designs 10 new comedic robot characters and calls them Boombots. Mike Dietz, Edward Schofield and Ellis Goodson crank out conceptual art for a robot combat game.
Mar. 1998 Doug T. shows them to Steven Spielberg and gets approval.
April 1998- July 1998 Neverhood team argues and designs the game. Problem? It's hard to make a 3D combat game with projectiles.
November 10th 1998 Long time rivals Shiny and Neverhood play paintball together.
November 11th 1998 Neverhood recovers from getting smeared all over the planet by Shiny at paintball.
Jan 1999 Joe Sanabria is moved from the background design department into the internal producer roll.
Feb. 1999 publisher Southpeak interactive show interest in publishing Boombots.
April 1999 Ellis Goodson gets his "chiropractor's certificate" from Sally Struthers.
May 1999 Boombots is a big hit with the press and fans during E3 trade show. Southpeak Interactive will publish.
June 1999 Edward Schofield appears on Days of our Lives.
July 15th 1999 Boombots goes "Alpha"
July 16th 1999 Doug TenNapel has plastic surgery done. Nose job, tummy tuck and hair implants.
Aug 15th 1999 Boombots goes "Beta"
The team is panicking to make a Sept. 1st deadline for release candidate.
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